Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day. I know many women that are excellent mothers great role models. I take pride and knowing you and learning from you.
I have a wonderful mom, and a wonderful mother in law. These two women are a source of inspiration to me.
Happy day to all the brand new moms out there too. My wish for you is that you have women in your life that are inspiration to you, and you learn from them and look up to them. Just like I do in my two moms, and many friends in Real life, and my online friends.
Being a mom is a blessing, and even though there are struggles, trails and tribulations. BEing the mother of my children is the best thing that I have ever done in my life.
One day I want people to say, She was a great mother over any other thing that I have or may accomplish over my life. I pray that I am a good mother, and that my children grow up to be great men!
happy Mothers day,
God bless

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